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The Little Baptist

by J. M. Martin
 Preface To The Little Baptist.  Chapter 1 - The Surprise.
 Chapter 2 - The Parents.  Chapter 3 - Conversation About The Bible.
 Chapter 4 - Mellie At School.  Chapter 5 - Doing Good For Evil.
 Chapter 6 - Mellie At Home, The Baptist Meeting.  Chapter 7 - The Investigation.
 Chapter 8 - The Country, Dr. Farnsworth's Visit, Bible Pictures  Chapter 9 - Reflections, Conversations, Visitors
 Chapter 10 - The Country School, Mrs. Brown's Mental Agitations  Chapter 11 - Baptismal Regeneration, Mellie's Conversion
 Chapter 12 - Discussion Of Baptism  Chapter 13 - The Church Trial, Strange Visitor
 Chapter 14 - The Saturday Meeting, Family Consultation  Chapter 15 - Sunday, The Sermon, The Baptism
 Chapter 16 - Communion  Appendix, Various Notes

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